Some Aussie shows, I take like a duck to water. Redfern Now is one of those shows. It's extremely well acted, especially the last one I saw, involving family rape, where the Aunt who copped it after the daughter, was so believable, in the wake of her ordeal, her horror aftermath, thanks to serial rapist (Hayes). The players are mostly an unknown cast of indigenous folk, but what a great pool of talent. They're all so good, where I really like Wayne Blair's cop character, especially in the last one, trying hard to let his personal opinions get in the way. In my opinion, this great acting stature all deserve recognition. I've never seen such high acting calibre from black folk. These are the people budding acting students need as tutors. The first episode I ever caught, involved a homosexual black, where his lover, was on a life support, and Noni Hazelhurst was the mother, again excellent of course, where she didn't want the plug pulled, and after it was, it created such major conflict, and a claustrophobic atmosphere between the warring parties, with such ferocity in Noni's character, drawing similarities to her A Place To Call Home, not her character, but intentions. It was kind of freaky. The latest episode I saw- the rape one, was really smart in how it manipulated the viewer, to it's conclusion, letting us think the worst. Redfern Now isn't just a good show, it's real life, and like real life, things can get ugly. Redfern Now, is a show, you must watch now. If you didn't know, Redfern is an inner city suburb, of Sydney, the west neighboring suburb of Surry Hills. You should visit it sometime.