"Shinobidô" is a Jidaigeko (historical drama) set in feudal Japan. So if you are expecting a massive showcase of martial arts then you will be sorely disappointed. This is, as the genre reveals, a historical drama, with emphasis on drama and the storyline. Sure there are action scenes in "Shinobidô", but it is not the selling argument of the movie.
The story is about a gang of vindictive Shinobi who are seeking to conquer a village and will lay waste to all who stand in their way. But the villagers are not entirely unable to defend themselves, although outpowered by the relentless Shinobi.
For a movie of this type then "Shinobidô" was entertaining, even though it wasn't of the grandest of budgets. It is the story, the characters and the acting that is the fuel of the movie, and it was all there in abundance.
If you are watching this movie for the action, then it is mostly only the last part of the movie that will be interesting for you.
This is an entertaining movie if you like the Jidaigeko genre. However, if you are not a fan of that, then it is highly unlikely that you will find much enjoyment in "Shinobidô". To enjoy such a drama to the fullest you must have an interest in old Japanese culture and history.