Are you really sure that you're white first ? Are you really sure that you're black first ? Are you really sure that you're arabic first ? And so on.
Are you even really sure that you're a women first ? Are your even really sure that you're a man first ?
NO. First you're just another Human Being on this planet, with feelings.
And skin color, religious affiliation, nationality, even gender at some point, are most of the time false and deadly identities based upon deep fears.
If you're not afraid and courageaous enough, please read all Jiddu Krishnamurti books (a very well-known indian philosopher) or the acclaimed book "In the Name of Identity: violence and the need to belong' written by Amin Maalouf (a very famous libanese and french writer)
That's what this very clever, very well written, very well played TV series is about, in the end.
A must-see to grasp (and counter with openess and love) the unfortunate extremisms, splits and divides of our troubled times and societies.