Finally watching 'Cheum' and 'Boston' together, i wanted a sensuous encounter that did not actuate in 'Only Friends'. Neo was better without the forced BL trope. At least they should have casted Pepper instead of Pao for the triangle. Interaction between the leads is now seeming plastic moreover depth in character necessary to keep the plot running for so long was lacking for sure. A lot of fans appreciated childhood sweethearts trope for these uncles. Clearly it was one sided, wasn't it? I appreciate the support towards legalizing host service for multiple genders. From the point of a non native fan's view, Thai cuisine seems interesting. They would want to learn the process as well as meaning behind these dishes for example; Sweet Basil rice represents pungent love while Somtum means ahmn ahmn... (you know what i am saying) At least the production should have researched and exhibited menu popular from streets or exotic regional delicacies. The background score sounds childish and off tune, menderm le. Probably the script writers concentrated only on the common tool used by both professions, a blade. One uses it to save lives while other butchers organisms for food. Could someone explain the purpose of Victor and Apple? I am glad Mark chose to leave this project.