Lizzie Bordon's revenge is a B-slasher-movie that stars Veronica Ricci, Marlene Mc'Cohen, and Jenny Allford as the real-life titular character. It revolves around a group of sorority women. One of which, Leslie, just so happens to be the descendant of the Borden family. As such, the group, as an intentional joke, summon the spirit of Miss Borden. But all hell soon breaks loose as each of the young women are brutally murdered one by one.
Let me start off by saying that I am quite appalled by all the negative reviews the IMDB page is littered with; not only that, there is not one other positive review besides mine. That being said, I may very well be the only person on the page who legitimately finds this low-budget movie entertaining. Sure, it does contain some graphic nudity, but I should also mention that it does have an actual plot, and the acting itself is not half-bad.
Now the direction does leave much to be desired. But again, this is a low-budget slasher, so what do you expect? I really can't help but wonder if the makers of this running over all the audiences dogs is the reason for all the low ratings. Oh well, ignorance is bliss.