This show wasn't the disaster some of you are saying it way but it wasn't hilarious either the truth lies someplace in the middle like it usually does. There are way worse shows on television in Canada even if you are just talking about comedy. I would say this show was funnier than Mr. D which has a star that isn't funny at all and that show has had what like four years now? I thought some of the jokes and a couple characters were pretty funny. I do think I agree that the main actors could have been more funny or better actors or tell the truth I can't put my finger on it quite but there was something wrong with them whether it was their age or just timing for delivering jokes or how believable they or the characters were or as someone else here put it maybe they just weren't likable enough. I also agree the guy who ran the bar was awful and not funny at all but also I am not a fan of Gary he seemed to be trying really hard to be funny but wasn't. People too often drink the koolaid and either start saying "it is the worst show ever" or "it is the best show ever" when the truth is it is neither, it is an OK show that I think was canceled and won't miss too much depending on what they replace it with but if it comes back I would give it another chance. I hated the title Satisfaction though.