It is very difficult to sum up of even describe Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell without it sounding lame, which it most certainly isn't. I was unsure what to expect from the title and few screen shots I had seen. There was no promotion for it at all in Australia, as it has yet to be screened here on terrestrial TV. I wasn't sure whether to expect a comedy, a drama, or fantasy. In the end I got all three in some measure, and more. Set in the early 1800's, magic is known of, but rarely practiced in England, that is until a long time practitioner Mr Norrell arrives on the scene to try and bring credibility to real magic. Jonathan strange emerges around the same time, as a newly fledged Magician, and the two inevitably meet. I'll give away no more of the story, but it is written in such away that makes the occurrence of actual magic in the early 19th century believable, as it is accepted as fact by the general public. The weaving of the story with historical events and excellent acting throughout just sucks in those viewers who are willing to suspend their belief and enjoy the ride. Highly recommended, but you have to accept the premise to fully enjoy.