In Norway, the recluse housewife Ingrid (Ellen Dorrit Petersen) is an insecure woman, facing difficulties to locomote and to remember objects and animals after going blind and is afraid to go outside her apartment. Her insecureness becomes paranoia and extends to her marriage and Ingrid believes her husband Morten (Henrik Rafaelsen) is cheating on her. Reality and imagination are entwined in her mind and Ingrid thinks about Morten's friend Einar (Marius Kolbenstvedt), who is porn-addicted, and Elin (Vera Vitali), who is his love affair. But what is truth and what is daydream?
"Blind" is an overrated, boring, depressing and messy Norwegian drama by Eskil Vogt. The storyline of a woman going blind and how she is affected is promising and original; however, the screenplay is confused and entwined with over-the-top porn scenes. My vote is five.
Title (Brazil): "Blind"