The Unbelievers (2013) 7/10 This presentation of Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss on tour is packaged as a tour highlights reel. They go into a venue, we are given a few lines of speech, discussion or debate and then it's off to another venue and a few more lines. We see a lot of the people who attend these lectures/events. I believe the purpose of the movie is, this time, not conversion to reason but to show that it is becoming more and more accepted and acceptable to 'come out' as an atheist. There is a cynical, to my mind, application of marketing acumen in that the film is bookended with clips of comments from 'celebrities', thus giving us reassurance that this all must be important and true! Well, first ya gotta get the rubes in the tent! My cynical beast will go lie down in the corner and let the grownups make the world safer for honesty.
The most liberating thought I have ever had: I am a temporary biological event existing in an indifferent universe.