This was a very interesting documentary. I had no idea that he suffered from so much anxiety and nervous tics. He also suffered from Imposter syndrome, which I knew nothing about either. I learned a lot about Lewis and how he is as a person. A warm and kind person who cares about the people around him, and they care about him as well. This was very heartwarming to see. His family and his team/manager paused his career for three years so they could focus on getting Lewis the help he needed, and this made me so glad. This was a big difference from how it can be. It was not the same with Avicii, who had a manager who only cared about money... Avicii would probably be alive today if only he had received the same support that Lewis received.
Lewis Capaldi has an amazing and unique voice, and I'm happy that he is feeling better and is back with new music! Keep it up Lewis, you are so NOT an imposter! I strongly recommend this documentary.