As a low budget film it's important to take limitation into consideration. Like it's predecessor it features great cinematography and great locations, really stepping things up for the big finale of the film. Compared to the last entry, the film manages to utilize more charismatic leads and steps up the action with practical explosion and impressive stunts. However, the film's editing is very loose, with lots of dead air and awkward pauses.
Now what we see here with my title is the top review which I do not know how it is the top review. I am always unbiased but when trolls try to ruin good things for others, it is incredibly aggravating. This is a great film, do not take what that account says serious and ignore it. He rarely rates movies 1 stars so this something. He's given way worse films higher ratings
It is very apparent that our top reviewer is unaware that this masterpiece of a film is a sequel or else his comment would make sense.
And no, the acting is not a joke.
"This is a miss-at-all-cost type of cinema.". Please ignore this.