Shame, really, I like Julianne Nicholson in most things she has appeared in but whatever possessed her to appear in this latest piece of BBC revisionist historical based drama is unclear. Have attention spans sunk so low in today's generation that the commissioners at Bonkers Broadcasting Corporation keep producing tick box dramas that pay no attention to entertaining fact based well written thought through storylines with acting that doesn't always try to be weird or shocking and direction that doesn't leave the viewer confused or disorientated in trying to follow it. Also, the sound quality was shocking as was confirmed by the fact that to listen to it comprehensively the volume had to be turned up high and then quickly turned down again when the conclusion was followed by a trailer for Match Of The Day. Another disappointing failure in the long line of terrible BBC big budget drama shows of the last decade. Stop trying to get down wif da yoof and cater for people who actually watch television.