I think the idea of having a run-off series after DF was a good one and made sense to capitalise on the success of Destination Fear (DF).
However, I have to say, based on the first episode on You Tube, I was most disappointed. You could clearly see that the 'professionalism' of the DF production team was missing, and despite a decent effort made by Dakota and the team, this fell well short in my opinion. Ok the budget is limited, and a lot rests on the team members (particularly Dakota) to keep things 'on track'. But they are experienced investigators.
I felt the overall 'silliness' and immature dancing around by the team members (excitement aside) just detracted from what it should have been - a serious professional paranormal investigation. These antics just made it look amateur, and ripe for YouTube viewers rather than providing a potential platform for another network to take up the show and potentially help to build it into a serious TV programme again.
There was also too much repetitive replaying of the previous DF episode (at the same venue) and which added a lot of 'padding' to the show structure and length.
You would think that maybe future episodes would start to show some maturity and professionalism, but I suspect that's not going to happen as the first series is likely to have wrapped now and Dakota is putting together the final edits to broadcast to You Tube.
Sadly, I for one wont be watching anymore.