Wow, just wow! I can feel the tension in the air while watching Estonia. There are so many things to love!
- They totally capture the horrible happening of Estonia sinking. I do believe the story here, how the people acted, or reacted to the situation of a boat sinking.
- How the story keeps going back and forth between countries, characters and happenings. We get to witness flashbacks and at the same time see how each character handles their situation.
- I just love the use of multiple languages. We need more series like this! There are some out there, but hey, we need more. A lot of us, living in the northern countries of Europe, do understand and speak multiple languages and I think it's quite rare to see this feature being used on TV. I love it!
- Investigations that go on and on. How they handle the media. How they handle grief. Just how they do anything, really.
I don't want to spoil anything, just do yourself a favour and watch the show!