In a small town in Georgie lives a humble woman. Her name is Etero. She is single, end fourties and her daily live consists of managing a small drug store and seeing other women in town who like to gossip and are quite critical to Etero. Etero was raised with strikt valies and norms and with the heavy weight on her shoulders that her birth was the cause of the cancer and death of her mother.
One day she goes to the river to pick blackberries and slides off a cliff. She nearly got killed. This event changes her live and view on live forever!
She starts living her own life, with a new attitude towards her dead family, although hidden from the gossiping women in town.
As a person who also went through a near dead experience I can very much relate to what such an event can do to you. It is truly life changing. This has been very well pictured in this movie. I watched it three times in twi days and it struck me every time again.