Redemption Of The Fall tells the true story of a woman who fell (jumped?) from a balcony in a Park City condo. The story begins on the night of the accident and culminates in present day. The viewer follows the compelling story of Kim beginning with her family's decision not to end life support through her roller coaster ride of recovery. Kim and her family face many hurdles, most of which are exacerbated by inadequate insurance coverage, Medicare limitations, understaffed physical therapy and nursing home facilities and Kim's continued penchant for making bad decisions. The story is told honestly and though the young woman at it's center does not always inspire sympathy, her family does. It is interesting to witness their own struggles with this series of events that Kim has brought into their lives. I watched this doc online and never once thought about pausing and taking a break. Indeed, I wish it had been a little longer. It is very well made from a technical perspective. The music was memorable and I believe all original. When it was over, it took me a few days to fully wrap my brain around this film. My first thought was that I didn't know what to think. I wasn't sure if this film was about Kim and her family or if it was about politically hot issues such as Medicare and health insurance. I came to realize that for me, this film was about a family and their struggles and their triumphs. They are dealing with an insurmountable stack of hospital bills and a daughter(sister, girlfriend) who is in bad shape and realistically may never make a full recovery. This is a story that any one of us could find ourselves in through no fault of our own. The experience they have with hospitals and insurance is just a fact of their lives and the documentary shows us that without making judgment of the system. I think I am used to documentaries where the director has a very clear point of view. These docs are usually pretty entertaining but I can't help but feel that while watching them, I'm actually watching propaganda. Redemption Of The Fall managed to be entertaining without stirring up the base on politically polarizing issues. I for one appreciated this approach.