So tired of every little thing now being called a "hack" & since that is in the name of the show they say it every few minutes. There were good, creative ideas, designs, & innovation, so please call them those grownup things, & not "hacks". The show tries too hard to make their hosts interesting by making them look & act eccentric & kooky to the point of it being fake. Ati Williams is the only one of the hosts who came across as real & personable. Kudos to the actual carpenters behind the scenes that do the actual work.
I would love to see the condition of the house in the first show a few weeks later with the 4 out of control boys who had no respect for anything. They were too old to be purposely dumping paint on themselves in the workshop - no adult tried to reign anything in. There's a difference between being creative & just allowing them be messy & rude. I wonder how long it was before one of the boys squished one or more of his brothers with the push button moving wall in the kids' tv area or jammed it up because of toys underneath? With all the moving components, the space only works if the kids are taught how to help pick up after themselves. They need to have respect for their home, the space, the things in it & their parents. They didn't have it before, so they can't learn that with the nice space given to them if they are never taught or made to be responsible.
Not sure if I will watch more episodes, there was a lot going on that was hard to stomach.