I will update this review later, but here is a description of this show.
"The Quest" is part Renaissance Faire, part cosplay, part fantasy novel, and part Big Brother. Twelve paladins, who have been carefully chosen for their love of fantasy, are assembled to complete a quest that takes place in Everealm. In the first episode, this fantasy adventure is beautifully staged and one can sense the excitement of the competitors as they are immersed in a "realistic" fantasy world and delivered to Castle Saenctum. (The word paladin, by the way, has come to mean a chivalrous hero.)
The mythology surrounding the game is explained to the paladins along the way. Each is given a piece of the Sunspear, entitling them to fight for the preservation of Everealm against the evil Verlox. They must compete to stay in the quest. At the end of episode one, a bow and arrow competition was used to select the two in jeopardy. Then the other paladins chose the one to be eliminated.
Part of the magic is the total immersion of the paladins in the Renaissance world of the castle, where they live during the competition. The environs surrounding the castle are filled with period actors. And they are guided through the adventure by Crio "The Dreamer", who is an excellent actor. He gives the action an authentic air. The tools in use, the weapons, the costumes--so far, everything lends itself to the creation of this Renaissance illusion.
So what we have here is a fusion of reality show and fantasy, part scripted, part unscripted. Unlike some reality shows, it appears some "action" is created and presented only for viewers, to maintain the illusion.
This should be enjoyable for anyone who engages in fantasy gaming, fantasy novels, cosplay, etc. or for fans of superheroes. What a dream, to be allowed to live and compete in this world. The production values are excellent. At one point, you can hear a competitor say, "This feels real."
Interestingly enough, seven of the twelve paladins are women. But that did not seem to affect the dynamics of the first episode.
One poster on the bulletin board asked what the winner wins. Good question. Apparently, the reward is being the surviving hero of Everealm. That seems like more than enough for those permitted to live the dream.
I think most viewers will root for their favorite paladin. I have already chosen Lina as my champion.
Update 8/17/14: After three episodes--and three eliminations--we find that the social part of the game is significant. If the other competitors like you, it is much more difficult to be eliminated.
The actors that surround the paladins are convincing. The challenges the paladins must face have been interesting (e.g. breaching a series of doors to obtain ingredients necessary for a potion). The paladins themselves are fully engaged. Though their enthusiasm might feel cheesy at times, it fuels the show.