What is this movie about? Basically it's about money and relationship problems from the perspective of different couples. Their nexus is a psychiatrist (who is the center of the movie as well) who tries to help them work out their issues. This movie is a comedy-drama (which I did not expect). Heavier on the comedy, for the most part, but gets deadly serious near the end. The comedy comes from bickering couples and people quarreling with each other (Oh, the things they say!). I found out that no one knows how to tell your ass off like a black woman. It's almost poetic the way they put your ass in your place with that little neck action of theirs. I was impressed. After they're done with that strong, smart, sharp tongue of theirs, you can consider yourself cut, sliced, crushed, and discarded.
The story is multi-threaded as you follow different couples and individuals. For sample: With one couple, the man is an ex-con, addicted to gambling and can't find a job because of his felony charge (His situation provided some of the more serious turns of this movie). With another couple the woman is a religious nut and the man is complaining about sex. With another, the woman get's fired from her job and her insensitive, jobless boyfriend is on her case. Their back-and-forth is funny and I had to laugh out loud when they went to see the psychiatrist.
Most people enjoy a good laugh and I'm no exception. That said, it is my usual practice to stay away from anything billed as a comedy (except for animated movies). Personally I find that real-life comedies tend to not be that funny unless they get a really high rating (rare) and would tempt me to take a look. For me, whenever they have a middling score they are usually a disappointment. I'm talking about 5, 6, and even 7 stars. I do not trust these ratings but would see a "serious" movie with these same ratings as well as any kind of animation. I think comedy is harder to do than drama; easier, I think, to do or say something serious than something funny. This is why it's harder (for me anyway) to find a comedy that will really entertain me than any other genre. I feel I lucked out here and I think you will feel so too though I understand that "funny" can be very subjective. Love, Boloxxxi.