Brilliant, very cerebral and at times, a work of art. Not for everyone though, and don't expect a science fiction action film or a Hollywood movie. This is pure indie. Ancient Apocalypse + Signs + Beyond Skinwalker Ranch + A Perfect Getaway = Night of the Skinwalkers.
If you are not a nerd, you will probably not get this movie, nor understand what it's about, especially people that confuse the Hollywood depiction of wendigos as Skinwalkers, or think The Seventh Seal or l'eclisse are horrible films because they have too much dialogue, and require you to think.
This film has some minor issues, probably due to its budget, but nothing that takes away from the incredible twist at the end, and you will think about some of the things this movie talks about for days. The music, cinematography, editing are all A+. Some of the actors and actresses did very well considering it was a low budget film. The characters they portray are all extremely unlikeable, so you almost are rooting for the bad guys. At times you will think you are watching a big budget movie. The problem is there are parts where it is almost farce, and times where it is very serious. I don't know if this was intentional or a limitation due to budget, but that holds it back from a 9 or 10 in my opinion. Overall, highly recommended if you enjoy philosophy, especially Plato, or enjoy the topic of speculative prehistory (such as Graham Hancock, Ignatius Donnelly or books on Atlantis).