Jimmy is a new horror film directed by David-Jan Bronsgeest. After directing short films and several TV episodes of various TV series, this is his film directorial debut.
After Dilara (Sonia Eijken) her friend is murdered, she decides to return to her hometown. Here she has a reunion with her group of friends and learns about the dark true-crime podcast. When you listen to this podcast, you can hear the voice of the village idiot Jimmy (Rick Paul van Mulligen), but the longer you keep listening to it, the greater the chance that you will be murdered.
Besides the fact that this film is the director's directorial debut, it is also the first film that scriptwriter Tim Koomen has written. The fact that both are still somewhat inexperienced and on the starting side is reflected in the final film that they have made. They seem to have copied many elements and ideas from other, well-known horror films and then mixed them together. This film lacks originality or creativity and only reminds us of the well-known films it copies. So you can actually better watch these films yourself instead of a bad copy.
The details are also not always well worked out and sometimes come across as a bit vague. The characters do speak in the way that modern youth does. They also use smartphones and airpods, but strangely enough they also film things with old home video cameras, which makes you wonder why they don't just film with their smartphones.
The characters also often commit horror clichés such as only going after strange sounds in the dark, which also makes you not really care about the characters. A more experienced director and writer could have guided the cast members better with how they should react to things, but this doesn't really seem to have been thought of either.