This series has a sophisticated, atmospheric magic blended with real life traumas and believable characters. People in the drama are flawed, but relatable and likeable.
In "The Atypical Family" story as well as character development expands with an atmosphere - the colour tones, the music scores as well as sound design, and the easily flowing caesural pauses allowing the viewers to take in the vastness of the scene settings, the seriousness of the situations. One could almost compare this drama to a poetry. Actors and their characters are allowed pauses to think, not to say that they're slow, on the contrary, it makes them and their choices more believable.
The script and most chosen actors are spectacular in their roles. The characters are written as smart, thinking, conniving ones, not by making others extremely dull and stupid, but by letting them make smart decisions, allowing them to have multiple purposes. Not a single person here is B&W, they all have their own personal colour pallets.
For now (6th episode) I could name only one major drawback - the ML's sister. Her character is overweight, but acted by a slim actress, which makes her movements and mannerisms not genuine and weird.
All in all I find the story refreshing and interesting, the clashing of one dysfunctional family with a fake united one, the deadpan comedy, the pain of trauma and not managing to let go of the past.