I just watched it for two reasons, first of all I have seen Gutterballs (2008) which was a big surprise. Secondly, Nick Principe I do follow so I know that being a nice guy, as seen on conventions, he can play ugly bastards.
Sadly this flick is bad on part of script, filming and sound. The script must be written on a extreme small paper, to be honest, was there a script? The way it was shot sometimes is really annoying, too close and constantly shaky cams makes it sometimes hard to watch. And the talking going on sometimes is hard to understand.
Luckily there is a lot of gore going on. But let me say that you really have to sit throughout this flick especially the beginning which is ultra slow. Once the cops arrive at the crime scene this flick opens up and give the gorehounds what they are waiting for.
The effects used for the ultra gore is sometimes nicely done and sometimes it looks ridiculous like the head being crushed. The victim captured goes full frontal in an almost explicit way. So it's just on the edge of being x-rated.
If you want to see a horror then leave it for what it is, but if you dig extreme gore and the acting doesn't bother you then this will be your stuff. Torture, rape, bondage, it's all there.
Gore 4/5 Nudity 4/5 Effects 2/5 Story 1/5 Comedy 0/5