I had the honor of meeting the Director Giannis. He is such a gentleman. He shared his wonderful dark comedy/ horror movies with me. He is such a wonderful and talented gifted artist.
His 2024 short film "Journey to the end of the world" really touched my heart. What a wonderful treat, the beautiful movie was made with such heart and soul.
The movie is about a mother, looking for an answer about her daughter's missing letter to a mysterious scattered and scared author. The daughter was big fan of author's work. The author has locked herself away in her dark loney apartment, afraid the world would end.
Technically, this movie is filmed wonderful. The lighting ans setting is amazing. And It is very talently edited movie So much well edited you don't know the genre of the movie, which is such a cool concept. Is the movie horror, is the movie drama, Is it a dark comedy? It does not matter. The most definitely thing that matters is the wonderful character development. The Director has written for these two wonderful actresses. The 2 main actresses are amazing and beautiful.
Again, I want to congratulate and thank the Director for this amazing movie. I hope it wins a lot of awards. And I can't wait to see more from this Director. I would love to see a full length movie of this one day.
8 stars
An "A"
Two thumbs up.