It's about friendship and awkward situations. Might be relatable for a lot of young people like myself, at least i feel like that's the target audience. The themes are very refreshing, and very modern for this day and age. Two introvert and lonely peope meet in an absurd situation, and end up promising each other friendship, at least for a while, not forever.
It's something you will probably bingewatch, since each episode is shy of 15 minutes and only 8 episodes. There's kind of a special humor, which returns every episode, awkward humor, but I liked it. Contains some touching emotional scenes. Her acting is brilliant. At first I didn't like his way of acting, it seemed a bit weird and not spontaneous, but once you get used to the personality he's trying to display, it's also very good.
The scenery is very nicely done, I absolutely loved the camerawork. The story is simple to follow, as in every ...-com show. It's always straight to the point, the dialogue contains everything necessary to just follow up, and nothing more or redundant.
The show displays the theme of friendship in very different ways, that's what it is all about, as they call it themselves "a friend-com". It was nice to see all the highs and lows of their friendship, because it is tested all the time.
The storytelling is also very well executed. U, as the viewer, find yourself in the start of the scene, at first not aware what's going on. As they're talking and the scene goes on, you are unraveling the story of what's exactly happening, because it might be confusing at first. The characters always know more than the viewer, which is always a fun element in motion pictures and in storytelling.
Ending episode is very well done, has recurring themes like the scarf form the first scene, the quarreling that happens often. It's a very nice wrap up, and that's how it should stay. Absolutely doesn't need a follow-up. For me it's a standalone.
To conclude: I liked it and I would recommend it, especially since I usually don't like shows like these.