Can you imagine trying to resurrect your character from the mothballs after three years and after you have played other characters, and maybe you even thought your character was dead! PLUS you gained fourteen pounds since you last played yourself (your movie "self").
That's a lot to bring back to the fore. Well, I think they did a pretty good job even if this movie didn't quite evoke the emotions the others have. I usually have to drink lots of water during these movies (keeps me from swallowing my tongue, big lumps in my throat, during the really emotional parts!)
Anyway, we, my Bride (of forty years) and I, enjoyed the movie. We had (intentionally) JUST finished watching all the others in order, including the TV series, so that we could keep the flow as we saw this one.
As I said, this one didn't draw out the emotions as well as the others but it was REALLY cool to have all the characters back! They grow on you!
The cutest couple, IMO, is still Rita and Norman! The most romantic couple is still Ovilear (thanks to Ramon) and Ms McCinerney (sp). ("Vows" was disappointing when Oliver called his new Bride "Ms Mckinerny". Are they married or not?! Maybe it will forever be his nickname for her?)
Anyway, it was somewhat entertaining to see newlyweds learning how to live together under one roof: an OCD neatnik and a SLOB clash for MONTHS before they get their act together. (This is so real! Happens to the best of us. Learning to live under one roof is one of the greatest accomplishments in marriage, ESPECIALLY when, in some areas, we are polar opposites. Well done Hallmark!)
I am hoping this movie is not "the End"! SSD is my fave series from Hallmark. My Bride has others as well. Clean entertainment, some modern, some not so.
One thing that bugs me. Not about this movie. Saw a profile on IMDb about one of the actors in this film, a MALE one, who, as far as I know only PLAYS male characters, and the staff referred to HIM as "THEM" and "THEY"!!! Give me a break! You're gonna lose me IMDb.