My wife and I recently watched The Black Widower: The Six Wives of Thomas Randolph (2024) on Netflix. The storyline follows an eccentric, controlling, and manipulative man who is a habitual liar and cheater, yet somehow ends up married and widowed many times. He's been married six times, and three of his wives have died. Is it just bad luck, or could he be responsible for their deaths?
This docuseries is a wild ride, where you find yourself watching this man, listening to him talk, and wondering, "How did these situations even happen?" He's an odd-looking and even stranger-behaving individual. Even his friends find him a bit off, and it takes a while for them to recognize his manipulative ways. Over time, they too are repelled by his behavior. He's a controlling, manipulative person who preys on people seeking companionship or friendship, quickly maneuvering to gain the upper hand. It's heartbreaking to see someone weaponize friendship, love and marriage, but this series showcases exactly that. My heart goes out to the victims' friends and families.
In conclusion, The Black Widower: The Six Wives of Thomas Randolph is a tragic tale of lies, deceit, and death. This is a fascinating docuseries that I'd rate 8/10 and recommend watching at least once.