Cecilia Suarez as I already knew is one very talented actress, and in this movie she has the opportunity to showcase her underrated talent, besides she looks GORGEOUS thorough the movie, like a golden age Hollywood actress. Her work is so organic that you believe that Elvira's struggle is real, and wish you could help her.
Her character, Elvira is a woman with two kinds and a husband that lefts her, and now, her life is gonna change forever, having to deal with money, children and a big city. This movie shows how women support each other in life, and that one has to reinvent themselves when life doesn't go as planned, and sometimes this changes makes you realize how strong you can be. The movie has a dark them portrayed in a funny way, thanks to the cast, you can laugh at really bad situations, since it has a lot of Mexican humor. Pay attention to the guest appearances by other actors. This movie is a must see, portraits really well the medium class of the Mexican society, and how we can laugh our problems off.