You should watch this, if you want to know about safeguarding both yourself and family members!
Another documentary that reveals to the viewers the corruption within the Judicial system, the various Federal Departments and professional Dentists, Doctors and of course - as usual - the companies of America!
Education, intelligence and a certificate/degree etc does not mean that you know what is wrong, right, possible or that you won't live your entire life worshiping money and covering up corruption. It only makes it obvious to the rest of humanity that you were capable of knowing that you were being dishonest!
This documentary shows with amazingly revealing evidence (which is undeniable; except if you are in some way involved in the production of Mercury Dental products i.e. Amalgam) the extent in/of corruption to which some individuals - some of who are in powerful positions and responsible for the health of millions - are prepared to go just to become richer!
It concentrates only on America but it would be useful to know if the same thing is going on around the world (apart from Norway finding for their citizens and not the greedy companies/people); it is very likely that it is.
One thing in this film shows a segment where Japan hosts a meeting, in Minimata, for an agreement to be signed about Mercury etc. This irked me because I know, from other world issues I am aware of, that Japan has the worst Mercury levels in its fish foods industries, in the world. It not only covers this up but a film I once watched showed that Japanese fisherman (and other undisclosed lowlife) would be prepared to kill to safeguard their jobs! We are, all of us, all aware of the great many times this has been carried out around the world for years.
One question that I was waiting for to be asked (especially of a particular dentist being interviewed) was, would the dentists in America give their own families the safe white fillings or, the lethal Mercury Amalgam fillings? It unfortunately does not get asked of any of the corrupt participants...and the really corrupt would not take part in the film!