- 2020s
- 2010s
- 2000s
- 1990s
- 1980s
- This movie shooked us to our very core. It is, in one way, a movie about self-sacrifice but, really, it is delicate character study; exuberant, heartbreaking, transcendent, and profoundly moving.
- 7.4 (1.1K)
- 8.1 (74K)
- 6.7 (728)
- 7.2 (4.8K)
- 7.4 (9.4K)
- 7.7 (845)
- 7.4 (1.3K)
- 8.0 (7.1K)
- 7.2 (2.5K)
- 7.4 (14K)
- 7.0 (2K)
- For its skillful realization, its devastating emotional impact and its moral and social urgency.
- 5.7 (12K)
- 6.4 (23K)
- 6.3 (24K)
- 5.6 (3.9K)
- 5.6 (5.9K)
- 6.6 (33K)
- 6.4 (42K)
- 5.6 (15K)
- 5.7 (924)
- 6.5 (1.3K)
- 7.0 (165K)
- 5.3 (3.9K)
- 6.5 (35K)
- For overall achievement in its intimate observation of its subjects while reflecting urgent global issues.
- 6.5 (41)
- 7.7 (804)
- 8.0 (9.5K)
- 6.8 (5.6K)
- 6.7 (957)
- 6.7 (91)
- 7.1 (186)
- 6.9 (559)
- 7.7 (5.3K)
- 5.9 (1.2K)
- 5.8 (315)
- 6.3 (416)
- 7.6 (9.4K)
- 5.1 (595)
- 5.1 (224)
- With clarity, humor and heart, this timely film reveals the underpinnings of an urgent threat to American democracy.
- By turning the camera on themselves, the filmmakers give a raw and unflinching look at the complex landscapes from his face, educating and bringing up their children in contemporary America.
- "Acting" - For two young actors who showed rare honesty, naturalism and transparency and whose performances brought up the best in each other.
- "Sound Design" - A film that we thought had absorbing use of sound and incredible aural inventiveness.
- For their bold and articulate confrontation with power and for the sexy fuck you smurks.
- A film that deals with anger, guilt, and redemption in the time of conflict. It makes us realize the absurdity and pointlessness of war and its permutations.
- It's rare to see a film so beautifully crafted in all aspects. It captures the complex nature of love and art in a mesmerizing and deeply human way.
- For its deft balance of tone, its exceptional ensemble performances; an original storytelling.
- For its original vision, sense of place, luminous humanity and for having the best title in the festival.
- One film above all the films we saw felt organic and unassuming; we fell in love with the characters without ever knowing too much about them, embarking with them on a fascinating journey infused with humor and discovery.
- For elevating the art of observational cinema through sophisticated lensing and electric color pallette.
- For its expressive use of naturalistic lighting to evoke the state of mind of the characters and the sense of time and place in two very different films.
- Within its smartly conceived and complex work for some of the most potent poetic images we encountered.
- For film that comes alive through its cinematography.
- For its laugh out loud comedic moments, its memorably drawn characters and its shrewd social commentary.
- 5.9 (6.1K)
- 6.2 (4.9K)
- 5.1 (10K)
- 5.6 (1.1K)
- 5.8 (3K)
- 4.6 (347)
- 5.8 (473)
- 4.8 (5.6K)
- For its offbeat and formalistically adventurous exploration of questions of articial intelligence and human connections.
- Project: "Spectacled Tiger"
- For skillfully crafting an unforgettable narrative through personal stories that luminated the larger issues of race in class in America's legal system.
- We knew the ending of this film, from the first frame but it's still thrilling and compelling. It kept us from the edge of our seat.
- We all felt that the writing of this film is so natural that it became practically invisible. We felt through right there with the characters watching the story unfold right before our eyes.
- We found this film full of life and told with a beautiful simplicity.
- For its wicked sense of humor, fantastic ensemble acting and razor sharp directing.
- For its hysterical take on performance and anxiety and using the short form to maximum effect and two felines having wild sex.
- We found this film driven by pure storytelling with a capacity to inject life and past histories while addressing the artist's documentarian.
- "For Acting" - This performer's quiet presence and subtle depth was a standout amongst talented actors and actresses.
- We found this film beautifully shot, poetic, and emotionally visceral.
- WinnerScreenplay: The Man Who Killed My Beloved Dead. Brazil.
- WinnerScreenplay: Let the Northern Lights Erase Your Name. US/UK/Germany.
- WinnerScreenplay: A Chjana. Italy/US
- WinnerScreenplay: The Music Teacher. India.
- Constantly suprising us with its depth and humor, the short skillfully captured an everyday story and makes it magical; beautifully composed and exceptionally paced; it goes without saying that we love this film.
- 6.4 (190)
- 5.6 (27)
- 5.2 (46)
- 6.2 (183)
- 6.1 (127)
- 5.8 (712)
- 7.7 (9)
- 6.5 (325)
- 6.2 (39)
- 5.7 (146)
- 7.9 (13)
- 5.7 (115)
- 6.4 (991)
- 5.3 (15)
- 7.5 (17)
- 6.9 (10)
- 6.8 (411)
- 6.4 (38)
- 6.0 (72)
- 6.9 (107)
- 7.2 (65)
- 7.3 (84)
- 6.5 (48)
- 7.3 (51)
- 7.2 (169)
- 6.3 (28)
- 6.5 (142)
- 6.5 (98)
- 6.1 (167)
- 7.7 (201)
- 6.6 (224)
- 6.4 (111)
- 4.7 (48)
- 5.9 (81)
- 5.9 (156)
- 7.8 (7.1K)
Also known as
- Sundance Film Festival
- Sundance United States Film Festival
- United States Film Festival
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Event Location
Park City, Utah, USA