Online Film & Television Association
- 2020s
- 2010s
- 2000s
- 1990s
- 7.3 (715K)
- 7.4 (56K)
- 8.1 (880K)
- 7.6 (136K)
- 7.8 (749K)
- 6.4 (17K)
- 7.5 (147K)
- 7.3 (458K)
- 7.8 (335K)
- 7.8 (749K)
- 7.3 (458K)
- 7.8 (335K)
- 7.8 (767K)
- 7.4 (56K)
- 7.1 (344K)
- 8.0 (705K)
- 7.3 (458K)
- 7.3 (715K)
- 7.4 (4.2K)
- 7.4 (1.5K)
- Jordan Peele(writer/director)
- 7.5 (147K)Kumail Nanjiani(writer)Emily V. Gordon(writer)
- 7.4 (195K)Aaron Sorkin(director)
- 6.6 (50K)Matt Spicer(writer/director)
- 8.0 (705K)
- 7.8 (749K)
- 7.3 (458K)
- Sweden
- 7.4 (17K)France
- 7.2 (28K)Chile
- 7.2 (21K)Cambodia
- 7.1 (36K)Germany
- 7.9 (187K)
- 6.6 (258K)
- 7.8 (335K)
- 7.3 (136K)
- 7.2 (167K)
- For the first theatrical trailer.
- 6.9 (690K)For the second theatrical trailer.
- 8.0 (705K)For the second theatrical trailer.
- 7.8 (335K)
- For the first theatrical trailer.
- For the song "You'll Never Know".
- 7.1 (344K)For the song "Be Our Guest".
- 7.1 (344K)For the song "Beauty and the Beast".
- 8.4 (638K)For the song "La Llorona".
- 6.7 (382K)For the song "Take Me Home, Country Roads".
- 7.4 (151K)
- 7.8 (767K)
- 7.2 (167K)
- For the song "Remember Me".
- 7.8 (335K)For the song "Mystery of Love". Tied with Benj Pasek and Justin Paul for the song "This Is Me" from The Greatest Showman (2017) in second place.
- 7.5 (327K)For the song "This Is Me". Tied with Sufjan Stevens for the song "Mystery of Love" from Call Me by Your Name (2017) in second place.
- 7.1 (344K)For the song "Evermore".
- 7.8 (335K)For the song "Visions of Gideon".
- 7.8 (767K)
- 7.8 (767K)
- 7.5 (643K)
- 7.8 (767K)
- 7.6 (787K)
- 7.8 (335K)
- 7.3 (458K)
- 7.4 (749K)
- As the voice of "Bruce Wayne / Batman".
- 8.4 (638K)As the voice of "Miguel Rivera".
- 6.3 (148K)As the voice of "Theodore Lindsay Templeton / The Boss Baby".
- 8.4 (638K)As the voice of "Héctor Rivera".
- 7.3 (181K)As the voice of "The Joker".
- 8.1 (880K)Tied with Virgil Williams and Dee Rees for Mudbound (2017) in second place.
- 7.4 (56K)Tied with Scott Frank, James Mangold, and Michael Green for Logan (2017) in second place.
- 7.4 (195K)
- 7.4 (348K)
- 7.3 (458K)Guillermo del Toro(screenplay/story)Vanessa Taylor(screenplay)
- 8.1 (880K)
- 7.6 (148K)
- 7.3 (637K)
- 7.9 (187K)
- "The Sunken Place".
- 7.8 (335K)"Mr. Perlman's Final Speech".
- 8.4 (638K)"Miguel Sings to Mama Coco".
- 6.9 (690K)"The Hyperspace Gambit".
- 7.3 (715K)"No Man's Land".
- For the second season entitled "The Assassination of Gianni Versace".
- For the second season entitled "Picasso".
- For episode: "USS Callister".
- For the first season entitled "The Menendez Murders".
- For the second season entitled "China Girl".
- For the seventh season entitled "Cult".
- 8.2 (97K)
- 8.6 (171K)
- 8.1 (374K)
- 9.1 (639K)
- 8.7 (450K)
- 8.7 (419K)
- 7.9 (353K)For the seventh season entitled "Cult".
- 8.4 (101K)For the second season entitled "The Assassination of Gianni Versace".
- 8.2 (21K)For the second season entitled "Picasso".
- 8.6 (93K)
- 8.6 (268K)
- 8.4 (269K)
- 8.7 (150K)
- 8.6 (362K)
- 8.5 (545K)
- 8.6 (93K)
- 7.3 (26K)
- 8.0 (52K)
- 8.2 (204K)
- 8.5 (173K)
- 7.4 (62K)
- For the second season entitled "The Assassination of Gianni Versace".
- 7.9 (353K)For the seventh season entitled "Cult".
- 5.0 (24K)
- 7.2 (5.2K)
- 6.2 (4.6K)
- 8.1 (33K)
- 9.2 (2.4M)
- 8.0 (52K)
- 8.4 (269K)
- 8.7 (150K)
- 7.7 (69K)
- 7.3 (26K)
- 8.8 (156K)
- 8.0 (52K)
- 8.2 (204K)
- 8.7 (150K)
- 7.4 (62K)
- 8.4 (116K)
- 8.6 (268K)
- 8.4 (269K)
- 8.1 (145K)
- 8.6 (362K)
- 8.5 (545K)
- 8.4 (101K)For the second season entitled "The Assassination of Gianni Versace".
- 8.0 (18K)
- 8.0 (34K)
- 7.2 (20K)
- 7.9 (57K)
- 7.8 (16K)
- 5.8 (1.7K)
- 8.5 (24K)
- 7.7 (11K)
- 6.0 (6.7K)
- 6.3 (1.4K)
- 8.8 (99K)
- 7.8 (24K)
- 8.4 (116K)
- 9.2 (2.4M)
- 8.4 (269K)
- 8.1 (145K)
- 8.7 (166K)
- 8.5 (545K)
- 7.9 (353K)For the seventh season entitled "Cult".
- 8.1 (34K)
- 8.4 (101K)For the second season entitled "The Assassination of Gianni Versace".
- 8.4 (116K)
- 8.6 (93K)
- 8.4 (269K)
- 8.6 (362K)
- 8.7 (1.4M)
- 8.5 (545K)
- 8.6 (93K)
- 7.3 (26K)
- 6.4 (27K)
- 8.0 (52K)
- 8.2 (204K)
- 7.4 (62K)
- 8.6 (268K)
- 9.2 (2.4M)
- 8.4 (269K)
- 8.0 (327K)
- 8.7 (166K)
- 8.5 (545K)
- For the second season entitled "The Assassination of Gianni Versace".
- 8.1 (34K)
- 8.2 (84K)
- 8.0 (18K)
- 8.0 (34K)
- 8.5 (81K)
- 7.8 (13K)
- 7.8 (4.2K)
- 7.8 (24K)
- 8.5 (24K)
- 8.0 (55K)
- 8.0 (55K)
- 7.8 (24K)
- 7.9 (1.4K)
- 6.3 (1.4K)
- For the second season entitled "The Assassination of Gianni Versace".
- 8.1 (34K)
- 8.2 (84K)
- 8.0 (34K)
- 7.9 (57K)
- 7.4 (39K)For the second season entitled "China Girl".
- 8.5 (81K)
- 7.9 (353K)For the seventh season entitled "Cult".
- 8.4 (101K)For the second season entitled "The Assassination of Gianni Versace".
- 8.2 (21K)For the second season entitled "Picasso".
- 7.5 (5.9K)
- 8.6 (268K)
- 8.0 (52K)
- 8.7 (150K)
- 7.7 (69K)
- 7.0 (142K)
- 8.5 (545K)
- 7.8 (24K)
- 8.0 (55K)
- 8.0 (55K)
- 6.4 (18K)
- 8.3 (49K)
- 5.0 (24K)
- 6.2 (446)
- 6.5 (7.9K)
- 7.3 (13K)
- 7.2 (20K)
- 7.9 (353K)For the seventh season entitled "Cult".
- 8.4 (101K)For the second season entitled "The Assassination of Gianni Versace".
- 8.0 (18K)
- 8.5 (545K)
- 8.4 (116K)
- 8.6 (268K)
- 8.4 (269K)
- 8.1 (23K)
- 8.7 (1.4M)
- 8.5 (545K)
- 8.2 (84K)
- 7.2 (120K)
- 7.9 (57K)
- 7.4 (20K)
- 7.9 (195K)
- 7.9 (23K)
- 8.0 (52K)
- 8.6 (362K)
- For the second season entitled "The Assassination of Gianni Versace".
- 7.9 (353K)For the seventh season entitled "Cult".
- 5.8 (1.7K)
- 8.5 (81K)
- 9.2 (2.4M)
- 8.2 (204K)
- 8.4 (269K)
- 8.7 (150K)
- 7.7 (69K)
- 8.5 (545K)
- 7.8 (16K)
- 5.8 (1.7K)
- 8.5 (22K)
- 7.7 (11K)
- 7.9 (353K)For the seventh season entitled "Cult".
- 8.4 (101K)For the second season entitled "The Assassination of Gianni Versace".
- 5.0 (24K)
- 8.2 (21K)For the second season entitled "Picasso".
- 8.4 (116K)
- 8.4 (269K)
- 8.7 (150K)
- 7.0 (142K)
- 8.7 (1.4M)
- 8.5 (545K)
- For the second season entitled "The Assassination of Gianni Versace".
- For the second season entitled "The Assassination of Gianni Versace".
- For the second season entitled "The Assassination of Gianni Versace".
- For the second season entitled "The Assassination of Gianni Versace".
- For the second season entitled "The Assassination of Gianni Versace".
- For the second season entitled "The Assassination of Gianni Versace".
- For episode: "Black Museum".
- 6.0 (6.7K)
- 6.4 (18K)
- 8.8 (99K)
- 6.3 (8.2K)
- 7.1 (15K)
- 7.8 (24K)
- 7.9 (353K)For the seventh season entitled "Cult".
- 8.0 (18K)
- 8.5 (81K)
- 8.2 (21K)For the second season entitled "Picasso".
- 7.9 (195K)
- 8.4 (269K)
- 7.0 (142K)
- 8.7 (1.4M)
- 8.5 (545K)
- 8.6 (171K)
- 8.1 (374K)
- 8.8 (206K)
- 8.8 (206K)
- 8.4 (388K)
- 6.4 (27K)
- 8.0 (52K)
- 8.2 (204K)
- 8.7 (150K)
- 8.5 (173K)
- 8.6 (268K)
- 8.4 (269K)
- 8.1 (145K)
- 8.7 (166K)
- 8.5 (545K)
- For the second season entitled "The Assassination of Gianni Versace".
- 7.6 (40K)
- 8.1 (34K)
- 8.0 (34K)
- 7.2 (20K)
- 7.9 (57K)
- 7.8 (16K)
- 5.8 (1.7K)
- 9.1 (31K)
- 6.0 (6.7K)
- 6.3 (8.2K)
- 7.8 (24K)
- 8.0 (55K)
- WinnerPosthumously.
- WinnerPosthumously.
- Winner
- Posthumously.
- Winner
- WinnerPosthumously.
- WinnerPosthumously.
- WinnerPosthumously.
- WinnerPosthumously.
- WinnerPosthumously.
- WinnerCostume Design
- WinnerSound Design
- WinnerMusic. Award was given posthumously.
- WinnerCinematography
- WinnerCinematography
- WinnerFilm Criticism
- WinnerSound Design
- WinnerFilm Criticism
- WinnerMusic
- Winner
- Winner
- Winners
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- WinnerPosthumously.
- Winner
- WinnerPosthumously.
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- WinnerWriting. Award was given posthumously.
- WinnerWriting
- WinnerProducing. Award was given posthumously.
- WinnerProducing. Award was given posthumously.
- WinnerProducing. Award was given posthumously.
- WinnerProducing. Award was given posthumously.
- WinnerDirecting
- WinnerDirecting
- WinnerExecutive. Award was given posthumously.
- WinnerExecutive
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