Online Film & Television Association
- 2020s
- 2010s
- 2000s
- 1990s
- 2nd place
- 7.5 (71K)2nd place
- 8.0 (175K)
- 6.6 (17K)
- Song: "30/90"
- 7.1 (100K)2nd place for song: "America"
- 7.2 (54K)Song: "96,000"
- 8.0 (175K)Song: "Both Sides Now"
- 7.0 (189K)Song: "Downtown"
- 7.9 (20K)2nd place
- 7.2 (278K)
- 7.4 (207K)
- 7.3 (179K)
- 7.1 (100K)2nd place
- 7.3 (192K)
- 8.0 (175K)
- 7.1 (100K)
- 8.0 (175K)2nd place
- 7.1 (100K)
- 7.5 (124K)
- 7.2 (54K)
- 8.0 (941K)2nd place
- 8.0 (175K)
- 7.6 (18K)
- 7.0 (173K)
- 6.8 (199K)2nd place
- 6.5 (79K)
- 7.1 (100K)
- 8.0 (941K)2nd place
- 6.6 (167K)
- 6.5 (79K)
- 7.1 (100K)
- 2nd place
- 2nd place
- 7.1 (1.4K)
- 8.3 (22K)
- 7.5 (15K)
- 8.0 (941K)2nd place
- 7.2 (97K)
- 6.6 (74K)
- 6.8 (199K)
- 6.7 (78K)2nd place
- 6.6 (17K)
- 7.6 (18K)
- 6.9 (97K)
- 7.5 (124K)2nd place
- 7.2 (97K)
- 6.8 (199K)
- 7.1 (100K)
- 6.5 (61K)2nd place
- 7.9 (20K)
- 7.1 (38K)
- 7.7 (109K)
- 7.3 (278K)2nd place
- 7.0 (189K)2nd place
- 8.0 (941K)
- 7.1 (157K)
- 7.1 (38K)
- Trailer #1
- 8.0 (941K)2nd place for Final Trailer
- 8.0 (941K)Trailer #1
- 7.1 (146K)Trailer #1
- 5.6 (291K)Trailer #1
- 6.8 (199K)2nd place
- 7.1 (157K)
- 6.6 (125K)
- 6.5 (79K)
- 7.1 (146K)2nd place
- 7.2 (97K)
- 7.2 (632K)
- 6.9 (97K)
- Song: "No Time to Die"
- 7.2 (278K)2nd place for song: "We Don't Talk About Bruno"
- 8.0 (175K)Song: "Beyond the Shore"
- 6.6 (74K)Song: "Guns Go Bang"
- 6.3 (23K)Song: "So May We Start"
- 8.0 (941K)2nd place
- 7.5 (124K)3rd place
- 8.0 (175K)4th place
- 7.5 (71K)5th place
- 7.1 (100K)6th place
- 6.5 (61K)7th place
- 7.1 (146K)8th place
- 6.5 (79K)9th place
- 7.2 (97K)10th place
- 7.0 (173K)2nd place
- 7.1 (157K)
- 7.0 (189K)
- 7.1 (100K)
- 7.3 (462K)2nd place
- 5.6 (291K)
- 7.2 (299K)
- 8.2 (935K)
- 7.3 (462K)2nd place
- 8.0 (941K)
- 5.6 (291K)
- 8.2 (935K)
- 2nd place
- 2nd place
- 6.6 (74K)2nd place
- 6.6 (446K)
- 7.2 (632K)
- 7.1 (157K)
- 7.6 (133K)2nd place
- 7.4 (207K)
- 7.3 (179K)
- 7.4 (207K)
- 7.4 (41K)2nd place
- 7.1 (146K)
- 7.5 (145K)
- The sandworm first appears.
- 8.0 (175K)2nd place for her dad hears her singing.
- 6.3 (23K)The prison farewell.
- 8.0 (941K)Arrival on Arrakis.
- 7.2 (54K)96,000
- 8.6 (171K)
- 6.8 (18K)
- 8.4 (210K)
- 9.1 (638K)
- 7.8 (28K)
- 7.0 (25K)
- 7.3 (152K)
- 8.3 (131K)
- 8.1 (183K)
- 8.3 (145K)
- 8.3 (26K)
- 8.8 (389K)
- 8.6 (116K)
- 7.8 (98K)
- 9.0 (712K)
- 8.3 (189K)
- 8.7 (263K)
- 8.0 (643K)
- 8.7 (1.4M)
- 8.7 (166K)
- 8.7 (132K)
- 7.9 (353K)
- 8.6 (85K)
- 7.7 (156K)
- 7.3 (286K)
- 7.3 (42K)
- 7.1 (37K)
- 8.7 (132K)
- 8.6 (85K)
- 8.3 (110K)
- 7.3 (286K)
- 7.1 (37K)
- 6.3 (3.6K)
- 7.0 (6.1K)
- 5.9 (13K)
- 5.7 (28K)
- 8.6 (262K)
- 8.3 (131K)
- 9.0 (712K)
- 8.2 (436K)
- 8.5 (365K)
- 7.7 (128K)
- 7.8 (16K)
- 5.8 (11K)
- 8.5 (22K)
- 8.0 (55K)
- 6.5 (14K)
- 8.3 (131K)
- 7.9 (36K)
- 8.2 (49K)
- 8.1 (183K)
- 8.3 (26K)
- 8.8 (389K)
- 8.6 (116K)
- 8.2 (42K)
- 9.0 (712K)
- 8.0 (236K)
- 7.8 (98K)
- 8.7 (132K)
- 7.4 (201K)
- 7.3 (6.1K)
- 8.1 (58K)
- 8.7 (149K)
- 8.2 (436K)
- 7.3 (286K)
- 8.3 (145K)
- 7.5 (98K)
- 8.6 (116K)
- 8.1 (183K)
- 8.2 (42K)
- 8.6 (93K)
- 8.7 (149K)
- 8.3 (26K)
- 8.8 (389K)
- 7.7 (128K)
- 9.0 (712K)
- 8.3 (189K)
- 8.5 (365K)
- 8.7 (263K)
- 8.7 (1.4M)
- 8.8 (307K)
- 7.8 (98K)
- 8.5 (365K)Alik Sakharov(director)
- 8.5 (365K)Alik Sakharov(Director)
- 8.7 (132K)
- 8.6 (85K)
- 7.5 (39K)
- 8.4 (101K)
- 7.7 (156K)
- 7.1 (37K)
- 7.6 (39K)
- 8.0 (1.8K)
- 7.5 (4K)
- 7.7 (3.2K)
- 8.0 (55K)
- 7.8 (2.8K)
- 7.0 (1.2K)
- 9.0 (712K)
- 8.3 (265K)
- 8.2 (436K)
- 8.7 (263K)
- 8.0 (643K)
- 8.7 (1.4M)
- 7.8 (98K)
- 8.7 (132K)
- 8.6 (85K)
- 7.9 (353K)
- 7.5 (39K)
- 8.4 (101K)
- 7.3 (42K)
- 8.1 (183K)
- 7.6 (106K)
- 8.4 (16K)
- 8.7 (1.4M)
- 8.1 (183K)
- 8.2 (436K)
- 8.0 (643K)
- 8.0 (236K)
- 7.9 (353K)
- 8.4 (101K)
- 8.2 (49K)
- 8.5 (365K)
- 8.8 (389K)
- 8.7 (132K)
- 7.4 (201K)
- 7.3 (6.1K)
- 8.0 (41K)
- 8.7 (149K)
- 7.6 (39K)
- 7.5 (98K)
- 8.4 (101K)
- 7.3 (8.1K)
- 6.0 (1.6K)
- 6.9 (49K)
- 7.5 (5.3K)
- 7.5 (12K)
- 7.1 (2.7K)
- 8.7 (132K)
- 7.9 (353K)
- 8.6 (85K)
- 7.3 (286K)
- 7.6 (39K)
- 8.1 (183K)
- 8.2 (436K)
- 7.4 (15K)
- 8.7 (1.4M)
- 7.8 (98K)
- 7.8 (2.8K)
- 7.7 (1.2K)
- 8.1 (3.1K)
- 7.7 (128K)
- 8.1 (183K)
- 8.2 (42K)
- 8.2 (49K)
- 8.3 (26K)
- 8.8 (389K)
- 8.3 (265K)
- 8.7 (263K)
- 8.7 (1.4M)
- 8.8 (307K)
- 7.8 (98K)
- 8.6 (85K)
- 7.7 (156K)
- 7.3 (286K)
- 7.3 (42K)
- 7.6 (39K)
- 8.9 (32K)
- 8.2 (25K)
- 8.6 (3.4K)
- 7.8 (2.8K)
- 8.1 (183K)
- 8.0 (643K)
- 8.8 (389K)
- 8.0 (236K)
- 7.8 (98K)
- 8.7 (132K)
- 7.4 (201K)
- 8.0 (41K)
- 8.7 (149K)
- 7.4 (15K)
- 5.5 (4.4K)
- 8.2 (436K)
- 7.3 (286K)
- 7.0 (142K)
- 7.5 (98K)
- 7.9 (353K)
- 8.7 (3.7K)
- 7.7 (156K)
- 7.3 (286K)
- 7.3 (42K)
- 9.0 (712K)
- 7.3 (286K)
- 7.5 (98K)
- 8.3 (63K)
- 8.6 (116K)
- 8.9 (32K)
- 8.6 (85K)
- 7.3 (286K)
- 8.6 (3.4K)
- 8.0 (236K)
- 8.3 (131K)
- 9.0 (712K)
- 7.5 (98K)
- 7.3 (152K)
- 8.6 (116K)
- 7.2 (197K)
- 7.6 (106K)
- 7.3 (286K)
- 8.0 (643K)
- 8.3 (63K)
- 8.3 (131K)
- 8.4 (223K)
- 7.3 (286K)
- 8.3 (145K)
- 8.7 (1.4M)
- 7.7 (2.9K)
- 8.9 (32K)
- 8.8 (99K)
- 8.0 (55K)
- 8.6 (3.4K)
- 8.0 (157)
- 7.8 (2.8K)
- 7.8 (16K)
- 7.3 (1.4K)
- 8.5 (22K)
- 8.5 (24K)
- 7.1 (75K)
- 7.3 (286K)
- 7.4 (201K)
- 7.8 (92K)
- 8.6 (171K)
- 8.1 (183K)
- 8.3 (131K)
- 8.2 (49K)
- 8.7 (149K)
- 8.3 (26K)
- 8.8 (389K)
- 8.6 (116K)
- 8.3 (265K)
- 8.5 (365K)
- 8.7 (263K)
- 8.0 (643K)
- 8.8 (307K)
- 8.7 (166K)
- 7.8 (98K)
- 8.7 (132K)
- 8.6 (85K)
- 7.5 (39K)
- 7.7 (156K)
- 8.0 (31K)
- 7.1 (37K)
- 7.6 (39K)
- 7.7 (2.9K)
- 7.5 (4K)
- 8.2 (25K)
- 7.5 (2.3K)
- 8.0 (55K)
- 7.1 (75K)
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- as Alex Forrest
- as Anton Chigurh
- as Daniel Plainview
- as Eleanor Iselin
- as Forrest Gump
- as Hans Landa
- as Harry Potter
- as Isla Lund
- as Joker
- as Margo Channing
- as Marty McFly
- as Michael Corleone
- as Norma Desmond
- as Nurse Ratched
- as Princess Leia Organa
- as Rick Blaine
- as Scarlett O'Hara
- as Tramp
- as Wicked Witch of the West
- as Willy Wonka
- "Be Our Guest"
- "Can You Feel the Love Tonight"
- "Footloose"
- "Goldfinger"
- "I Will Always Love You"
- "Lose Yourself"
- "Mrs. Robinson"
- "Rainbow Connection"
- "Wind Beneath My Wings"
- "You've Got a Friend in Me"
- WinnerHistorian
- WinnerAnimation
- WinnerCasting
- WinnerCriticism
- WinnerEditing
- WinnerStunts
- WinnerMakeup
- WinnerMusic
- WinnerCostume Design
- WinnerMusic
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- Winner
- WinnerWriting
- WinnerProducing/Directing
- WinnerProducing/Directing
- WinnerProducing/Writing/Creating
- as Basil Fawlty
- as Buffy Summers
- as Capt. Jean-Luc Picard
- as Fred Flintstone
- as Kermit the Frog
- as Lt. Nyota Uhura
- as Rose Nylund
- as Samantha Stephens
- as Sophia Petrillo
- as Tony Soprano
- "I Don't Want to Wait"
- "Did I Make the Most of Loving You?"
- "DuckTales"
- "Main Title"
- "Theme of Law & Order"
- "Woke Up This Morning (Chosen One Mix)"
- "Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?"
- "With a Little Help from My Friends"
- "Happy Days"
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