[on being asked if she feels Poison Ivy's actions were justified or is just another green peace reject who gets off on crime] Ivy obviously is a bit off her rocker. When I first read the script for her debut episode Pretty Poison I think it was, I was not sure how to approach her. Was she simply a sultry woman who despised men or was she a genuine eco-b*tch with a vengeance for men who indulged in destroying what she loved? Truth is she was a little of both. I didn't realize just how human she was until about the fourth episode I did. By that time I had done some minor research into the fantasy book world of her....the comics and novels. Ivy was just a battered woman really. A man hurt her so she took it to the extreme. So to answer your question I think Ivy is a combo of both. A woman pushed to the brink by her love of the natural world and the injustice man does to it, and her hatred of men for what one did to her.