Attributes her professional career breakthrough to "fairy godmother"
Kathie Lee Gifford who, as a teenager, was hopelessly in love with a 19-year-old professional surfer (Abigail's father-to-be) Yancy Spencer. When Abigail turned 17, her dad called Kathie Lee to ask if Abby and her mother Lydia could attend a broadcast of "Live! with Regis and Kathie Lee," a request that was immediately granted. After the broadcast, Abby and Lydia were invited backstage to meet Kathie Lee; when she learned that Abby wanted to be an actress, she made a call to ABC TV casting and a meeting was arranged for young Abby, who soon after won the role of Rebecca on
All My Children (1970) in June 1999. While still trying to get on her feet, Abby spent three months as a live-in "nanny" for Kathie Lee at her New York residence.