Nancy Astor est née le 19 mai 1879 en Virginie, États-Unis. Elle était mariée à Waldorf Astor et Robert Gould Shaw II. Elle est morte le 2 mai 1964 à Lincolnshire, Angleterre, Royaume-Uni.
Waldorf Astor19 avril 1906 - 30 septembre 1952 (son décès, 5 enfants)
Autres travaux
(July 5 to 13, 1957) She played herself in John Patrick's play, "Teahouse of the August Moon," in a Williamstown Theatre Festival production at the Adams Memorial Theatre in Williamstown, Massachusetts with Tom Adkins (Captain Fisby); David Adnopoz (Mr. Sumata); Tom Brennan (Colonel Wainwright Purdy III); Terry Connelly (Democratic Lady); Converse M. Converse (Mr. Oshira); Lila Corbin (Democratic lady); Phil Cusack (Mr. Seiko); John Fitzgerald (Mr. Keora); Sue Ann Gilfillan (Lotus Blossom); Paul Gravel (Old Man); Roslyn Horowitz (Old Woman); Stan Kahn (Captain McLean); Barbara Krizack (the daughter's daughter); Joan Krizack (the daughter's daughter); Romulus Linney (Sakini); Robert Modica (Mr. Hokaida); Marion Paone (Miss Higa Jiga); Austin Pendleton (The daughter's son); David Powley (Mr. Omura); Rex Robbins (Sergeant Gregovich); Elizabeth Stearns (Old Woman's daughter) and Linda Urmy (Ladies League for Democratic Action) in the cast. Nikos Psacharapoulos was artistic director and director. Romulus Linney was also assistant director. Will Steven Armstrong was production designer. George E. Mallonnee was stage manager.