[on what were the things that scared her the most, and what ultimately made her decide to do nude scenes on 'Now Apocalypse' anyway ]: It was a very brief time period of being scared. It was mainly just before filming anything, and just reading the scripts and being like, “Wow!” As an actor, I’ve never done any sort of intimate scene on camera before, or been topless, so that was just nerve-wracking, as a human. But I was excited, too, because a lot of the sexual situations with this show are not scary. I’m representing something bigger, with female sexuality and being confident with that, because my character, Carly, finds her confidence through sexuality. She’s not scared. She’s embracing it, and that sends a message to everyone watching it. Naturally, it’s a little intimidating, especially when you have to go to a sex dungeon, but that was really it. Everything else was just exciting for me, honestly.