I am a part time summer resident of Seward, Alaska, the spectacularly scenic town where this documentary film is set. This year for the first time I ran the legendary race around which the film is centered, so I have a special appreciation of the filmmakers' art. On an absolutely bare bones budget, they have crafted a film which perfectly captures the spirit of the race (third oldest in the U.S.) and the town, while interweaving several poignant personal stories into the narrative. The film is enhanced by Daniel Flint's score and the music of Driftwood and Rabbit Wilde, none of whom I was familiar with before, but whose music now plays daily in my life. Trail runners and adventurers in particular will enjoy this film, but that lifestyle is not a prerequisite. It's just a damned good, beautiful movie that can be watched again and again. And it will make you want to go to Seward, especially on July 4th.