Death Parade is an Mystery, Thriller, Game anime. It takes place in a strange bar, which a bartender decides the fate of the recently deceased.
The anime is episodic with a loose main story. It was quite messy and the pacing was off at times. The setting of the anime is quite unique but apart from that it follows popular anime tropes. I think that the anime should have had more comedy and it could have included more rules of the Afterlife, as I found the rules were too simplistic. I also would have preferred a more episodic show and the main story should have been less prevalent and more simpler. Apart from that, I found this anime well crafted and the dialogue great.
The characters in this anime were decent. I wished that the main characters could have acted in unexpected ways. Decim, the main character was my favourite character and he seemed intelligent and cold. Chiyuki, the other main character was caring but I would prefer if she was used more for comedic relief and was less prevalent in the anime. Some of the background characters were really unnecessary like the old man (Oculus) and Castra and they should have played a bigger part in the anime or not be in it at way. I would have preferred to see Ginti in the anime a lot more.
The animation in this anime is good. It fitted the theme very well and it had a lot of dark colours in this anime. The composition is great. The character design is also good but I found it hard to take Chiyuki because she looked like an emo/goth teen.
I watched the dub and I found the voice acting pretty good. I think they could have used better voice actors for some of the background characters but the main were fine. The OP of the anime is good but it doesn't fit the theme and I would prefer if they used a different OP. The ED was fine.
In conclusion, I found the anime enjoyable and I would definitely recommend it to anyone interested in Mystery anime.