This is a very promising series and i read other peoples reviews first and watched it to gauge an opinion myself and see if there was any truth in what has been said.I would say DO NOT listen to half of the reviewers here as they shouldn't even be allowed to review.
One reviewer spends half of his review complaining about Obama being elected president ... that's right its Obama's fault he didn't like it and then goes on to complain that other shows were pulled but not this one so because his show got pulled and he hates Obama he gave it a 1 star! hardly a reason to 1 star something haha
Others are complaining because there are European actors in it.. what did you want a full cast of Americans with an American accent instead of English accents? I get that they could have given them more of a local to the region accent and its something that does annoy me too but when you put it into perspective you don't see them complaining at Game of Thrones in which 99 percent are full English accents .. I don't see anyone 1 starring that and that is set over a made up planet but yet they all speak English accents whats next are you going to 1 star the walking dead because apparently immigrants weren't allowed to survive as there's only American accents ? haha
And not historically correct ? are you kidding me ? of course its fantasy ! Do you honestly think that all that actually happened? and you are judging it by your belief that it definitely happened ? unbelievable.Its loosely based with a lot of fantasy so stop nitpicking.
The majority of shows are not accent specific so that's a poor reason to nitpick this show and so is bringing up Obama ... seriously 1 star for that haha
I enjoyed the pilot, it was solid and enjoyable and you could see that it will get better! definitely give it a try !