Making an animated movie requieres a lot of things. Some of these things are a budget, of course; a good script; and creativity. Día de Muertos doesn't have any of those things.
I know there's a lot of people here in Mexico trying to grow the animation industry, but animated movies should be made only when they're worth of trying. Día de muertos took over 5 years to complete it's production, why would you spend so much time and money in something that doesn't have a good script? And I really mean it: the story is unbelievable boring and forced, each single situation and decision through the film feels unnatural and even cringy; characters are unidimensional and inconsistent with they're own develop; jokes are just repetitive and annoying to the point I wanted to leave the theatre (and I NEVERE do this). So, if you don't have a good script why are you trying to make an animated movie? And it is obvious that the producers didn't have the budget neither.
The lack of creativity is fundamental for this cinematographic failure. It's like if they just made the most "off the shelf" characters, designs and EVERYTHING in order to bring us something without soul.
The only reason I would recommend this is if you want to learn what NOT TO DO if you want to make an full length animated feature. Any other reason you're wasting your time.