Although similar in tone to Audrey Hepburn's 'The Nun's Story', this film is nowhere as good as that. Sure, there are many good things too in the film. The acting, direction & cinematography are all first rate. The movie however, drags a bit after half time.
This is the story of a young girl raised by a non-religious divorced mother. In the absence of any male or female role model, she finds it hard to find peace and love. At her catholic school, she learns that God's love is unconditional & therefore, she decides that she wants to be the Bride of Christ. At the Convent, she faces a lot of challenges, personal as well as spiritual.
The story takes place around 1964, which was when Vatican II reforms were brought about. The movie very successfully highlights how the nuns were never involved in any of the decision making process and how their standing in the church was suddenly reduced due to the reforms. Thus, a lot of nuns felt dejected, abandoned by their God and faced spiritual crises. So great was their despair that many of them even left their vocation. To me, this aspect of the film was quite interesting and informative.
A great debut by the director, Maggie Betts!