"Sleight" brings the story of Bo. As the movie opens, someone is leaving a voice mail message for Bo, expressing sorrow for the passing of Bo's mom. We then jump "One Year Later". Bo is doing various magic tricks for money. During one of those street performances, he meets Holly. We also get to know Bo's little sister Tina, whom he cares for. But then we find out that Bo is also selling drugs as part of a drug gang headed by Angelo. It's not long before Bo is in way way over his head. At this point we are 10 min. into the movie, but to tell you more of the plot would spoil your viewing experience, you'll just have to see for yourself how it all plays out.
Couple of comments: this is the debut feature length movie of writer-director J.D. Dillard. Dillard does a wonderful job mixing two genres (drug drama, magic tricks) in a story that is quite original in its approach. "Anyone can do a trick, but I am a magician", comments Bo to Holly. I have no idea whether the magic we see in the movie is even possible, or whether it's all jut part of the story but not realistic. All I can say is that it looked quite good. The movie is helped enormously by the charming performances of the two leads: Jacob Latimore as Bo, and Seychelle Gabriel as Holly. Surely we will hear more from them! Last but certainly not least, there is a great electronic score from Charles Scott IV, which I intend to check out at some point.
"Sleight" opened to positive acclaim at last year's Sundance Film Festival. No idea why it has taken so long for the movie to be released in theaters, but better late than never. The Friday evening screening where I saw this at here in Cincinnati was attended okay but not great. That said, keeping in mind the movie's production budget was a mere $250,000 (peanuts in Hollywood terms), the movie has grossed many times that amount. If you are in the mood for a different type of "drug crime" movie that comes with a healthy twist of magic, you cannot go wrong with this, be it in the theater, on VOD or eventually on DVD/Blu-ray. "Sleigh" is highly recommended!