Kunjiramayanam is a comic-drama film directed by Basil Joseph, who was subsequently inspired to pursue a career in film direction. The story is set in a village named "Desham," where a number of myths, legends, and fictional narratives are woven into the fabric of the community. The film's narrative is centered on the interactions between a stubborn brother and sister from a family, whose actions ultimately lead to a series of conflicts and complications.
The protagonist, Kunjiraman, is responsible for creating a series of problematic situations, including the destruction of alcohol bottles labelled "salsa," the disruption of marriages that were underway, and other instances of interpersonal strife. These events serve as the foundation for the narrative of the film.
The performances of the siblings, Vineeth and Dhyan, were commendable, as were those of the other actors. The visual content and casting were also noteworthy. The placement of the songs was well-executed, and they were also popular. Through this film, Basil Joseph made a significant impact in the Malayalam film industry.