Overall the premise was good...it's just the execution that needed some adjustments...partly in the script, partly with the acting, and partly with the direction.
Too many times it felt like certain people had just gotten the script and didn't know what to do with it. And that's maybe where the script could have helped instead of having someone say all those little words that would normally be a throw-away when stammering so the other comes in over them (i.e. Like in the diner scene). I still think there could have been a little more depth into the origin of the Fairy conflict to help the audience have a better understanding of the relationship between the fairies and the humans.
I think more seasoned players could have figured out a way around the tougher spots and that's where direction comes in to help so certain actors don't look so posed and act like they're afraid to move.
As for the Fairy special effects, I actually thought they were dead on. Nothing flashy or big...just simple lights. I actually have to tip my hat to whoever did the special effects because they were seamless and, dare I say, almost believable.
In spite of some of it's flaws, I still enjoyed it and know kids will as well...especially the fairies, their wooded village, and their size as they interact with humans.