Okay...writing my first IMDb review ever so that people have something else to read besides one single batch of absurdity written by a person who has been ludicrously swept up in their own privilege. I am a (male) American currently living in Canada, and chanced across this show one night. It's fresh, it's hilarious, and contains exactly none of the "3rd-Reich-Feminism" that a previous viewer claims it does, proving for the zillionth time that people make up whatever ignorant garbage they want and post shamelessly.
I could go on about how hit-or-hit the sketches are and how ludicrously talented and smart the writers, comedians and actors are (it's all true), but you should just check out the show. I will say that I love how widely the sketches vary in length. They take time building up to a quality punchline when it's necessary, but when it's not, they keep things short. There is absolutely no standard sketch length here, and I love that.
This show may struggle because (no matter how many times you say, "It's 2016") men are still frightened of funny women. Also, less intelligent people are prone to entirely misconstruing jokes written and performed by more intelligent people.
...Anyway, check out this awesome show, especially if you're an American, because great Canadian content like this too often gets trampled by American media. Have a lovely day :)
Oh, and ps: WE'RE AT THE COTTAGE!!!