You would think that danish movies are at its best with prior movie hits like Pelle the Conqueror, Babets Feast, Nightwatch, Pusher, The celebration and The hunt - not to mention danish top actors like Ulrich Thompsen, Trine Dyrholm, Ghita Nørby and Mads Mikkelsen. But no!
This movie is like a nice cop of tea - with no tea in it. The story line is thinner than thin: Two old friends are bringing a third friend to a seminar to get him laid. To get sympathy from the girls they decide to bring their friends paralyzed father - but as things are not going the way planned by the two old friends they hire a prostitute to "speed up the process"
Not the most advanced storyline in the world. But I guess much can be saved by the acting and the dialog in the movie alone. However this is also not the case here. In fact you could argue that both acting and dialog is none existing. If you want to bring any credibility into the dialog and acting at all the first thing you would have to do is to stop talking like you are a child playing a simple role play. Second you would have to act like you actually believe in the character you are playing.
A movie is not funny only because you want it to be. It is funny because you have 1: talent and 2: a great idea you simply have to make into a movie and 3: you make the movie coming directly from you own heart and soul.
I guess not in this case