This is a disgraceful adaptation to its animated counterpart. It's tedious, rushed, and at most a terribly filmed experience for hardcore fans and newcomers. In this live adaptation of the animated series Prison School, the plot follows a group of seemingly innocent individuals who become embroiled into school imprisonment after an unfortunate misconduct. Afterwards, they're forced to endure the wrath of an abusive female overlord while utilizing teamwork to outsmart the system.
What the animated series did in many ways that the live-action adaptation failed to do was capture the atmosphere of the manga. Each episode proved to have significant devotion to the source material, despite some petty changes, and remained faithful enough to warrant its purpose. This "adaptation" however couldn't prove worthiness even if it meant saving the careers of the actors who mildly shared any resemblance to the original characters.
It immediately loses its flair upon its first episode by outright betraying the source material. It thinks nobody would notice how uncomfortably unenthusiastic and stupid it was. It takes amazing material from its source and ravages it into a completely shortened, misguided, and humorlessly dreadful adaptation with less than worthwhile redeeming qualities. Whether it's about its lame censorship, missing content, outdated cinematography, and shallow acting, this "remake" loosely satisfies fans and unfulfilled its comparisons in the worst imaginable way possible.
Don't release these degenerates. Lock them up and throw away the key.