I had given it a 9 for seasons 1-3, but had to take at least 2 points away due to season 4 abysmal implosion. For the most part, Preacher was entertainingly engaging, especially for those of us who were raised in Catholicism, which eventually led to many of us ultimately rejecting all of its utter hypocrisy (eg: L. A. Diocese $1.5 Billion payouts), leading many of us into atheism. How can an insecure God create such a miserable existence, especially for children, while actually endorsing slavery?
Preacher is without a doubt intentionally cynical, yet hold's truths.
Unfortunately, I'm not sure what happened to this production by the time it hit season 4, as it literally became so juvenile, so utterly absurdly ludicrously unrelatable, with its way, way, way over the top violence, as simple filler fodder, I found myself scrubbing through much of the final season. I'm by no means a prude, but whomever thought this would bring appropriate closure to the series, couldn't have been more wrong.
Watch and enjoy season 1-3, but don't feel bad about scrubbing through season 4 just to find out how it ends.