The featured review rated this 3 and boring. I totally disagree. The film subtly tells the story of what war does to people in various ways.
4 people (2 military, 2 civilian) are aboard this sentinel tower located between the only two countries left in the world after flooding has covered all other places. Ok, somewhat unbelievable.
This tower has a device that can change the fate for the entire planet and is meant as a fail safe device if the second country attacks this first country, who constructed this sentinel tower.
The problem is that they signed up for 2 years, and their relief is well overdue. They experience all sorts of communication issues. Then something appears, and changes the dynamics of the story. If you don't like growing tension, then I guess you'd call that boring, but I took it more as a who-done-it mystery.
Imagine being out in the middle of the ocean between two warring countries, and you are the last line of defense on a rotting decrepid metal structure. That enough creates the tension.
The captain is a tough military lifer, and he plays that role well. His corporel seems less strict but still follows his orders. The two civilians just want to get paid and go back to dry land.
There's plenty of story here, enveloped in rain, fog, mystery. The acting is decent as is the story. The cinematography does a great job of depicting the isolation, along with creepy noises and screenshots to ramp up the excitement.
I suggest you give it a view. Not a bad flick.