westworld...game of thrones..we can safely say in this day and age that the quality which can be achieved in the TV medium can be amazing,truly awe inspiring stuff.Being able to connect with the viewers through likable characters with fleshed out personalities and flaws,first class acting delivered by titans in their field.
then there's the 'arrow' style of TV production...colour by numbers,cookie cutter,play it safe TV.shows that stretch out story lines to pad out a lack of story.side stories that never lead anywhere.TV where all the teens have perfect white teeth,no acne,siblings who look nothing alike but fresh off a catwalk,mediocre acting that makes you feel nothing...vacant,slightly dead inside,coma TV.
now,don't get me wrong,I'm not saying 'coma' as in 'it'll bore you to sleep'.there has probably been a group of TV producers/executives who've done market research for this just to make sure it excites to just the right level without pushing anything so as not to rock the boat...the whole thing just stinks of 'formulaic' (even the mysterious assassin was done better and way more sinister in 'utopia')
basically..the shows a pass..in the same way that 'the dome' was a pass...'arrow'..'the flash' and all the other one dimensional shows that leave you pondering absolutely nothing except plot holes and inconsistencies. i don't know about you guys but I'm tired of giving formula TV 'a pass'...the bars been raised...its shape up or ship out time...go hard or go home